• The school authority requests parents/guardians to co-operate with the school guidelines and support fully at all the initiatives taken by the school.
• Parents/guardians are expected to:
• Pay their ward’s fees at the right time.
• Take proper care of their ward’s health, uniform and textbooks and exercise books.
• Make effort to see that their wards obey all the school rules and regulations.
• Second Saturdays shall be visiting days for the Hostel boarders. Parents/Guardians may meet their wards within the school compound from 8:30 AM to 4 PM. To take any hostel boarder outside the school compound, written permission be obtain either from the Principal or hostel warden. Parents/Guardians are required to carry visiting cards on visiting days. Any person other than the visitor with the visiting card is required to bring a letter of introduction from the parents or else they will not be allowed to meet the student for security reasons.
OFFICE HOURS Monday – Saturday | 08:30 AM to 04:00 PM |
VISITING HOURS (HOSTELLERS) Only Second Saturday | 08:30 AM to 04:00 PM |