1. Pupils must reach the school before 8:20 AM.
  2. They must attend morning assembly held at the school on every working day.
  3. If any pupil is absent from the school he/she must produce his/her dairy where his/her parent/guardian state the reason there off when he/she return to the school.
  4. Irregular attendants, habitual idealness, disobedience to teachers, serious misconduct injuries to moral tone of the school are sufficient reason for dismiss of a pupil.
  5. Day scholars are expected to bring Tiffin which should be eaten during break time at the specific room.
  6. Pupils are prohibited to leave the school compound during recess.
  7. Pupil should not bring money, any eatable things (any other than Tiffin), toys, dolls, comics, mobile phone etc to the school.
  8. Rings, earrings, bangles, hair bends or ribbon, nail polish should not be worn in the school. Excessive make-up like Lipsticks, cream and powder is not allowed to the school.
  9. Smoking, chewing of tobacco and betel-nut within the school premises is strictly prohibited.
  10. Drinking, taking of drugs band by the government and possessing the same within the school premises and entering into the school compound with the smell of such intoxicating drinks or drugs is strictly prohibited.
  11. Hurting other pupils intentionally is punishable and could be expelled.
  12. Pupil must use English language for conversation or communication within the school compound and hostel.
  13. Both the pupil and school staff should used polish form of address to each other. Good manners and etiquettes should be practice within the school compound in general, and within the class room, principal office, staff room, school office, and hostel in particulars.
  14. Intentional breaking of school furniture and equipments is punishable.